i returned 2 mumbai on 22nd july..but returned back only physically..my mental state of being is still in blore..jus don wanna get bac..nd m very happy 2 b in dis state of mind:)))
thanx a ton 2 my senior teachers -dinesh bhaiya nd bawa and thanq GURUJI

its bcoz of dem nd guruji,i hav learnt 2 prioritize in my life..i use 2 always take my parents 4 granted,but on d 1st day of my course,i realized how much i love my parents nd promised nevr 2 disobey them..
dis is d 1st time in my life,i hav stayed away 4m my parents..my father who has nevr permitted me 2 stay at a frnds place ,who stays just a building away,permitted me 2 go nd do dis course..it was shocking..evrything went on place nd on d right track..
during the entire course,guruji wasnt there physically..but i cud feel his presence every second..on gurupoornima ie on 18th july,HE surprised us by speaking 2 us online..wen HE wanted 2 log off,v all jus dint want HIM 2 go..nd my bad luck,i was on silence dat day,nd cudnt evn yell "guruji pls dont go"..
but dose special moments dont have words 2 b expressed........
yeah ur experiance is superb...
same as mine !
it was also first advance for me..
i know mare words can not decribe YES++...
oh ! those five magical days..
i know "those were the best days of life !"
JGD !!!
impressing ma gal !!!!!!!!!
First advance is very very special...
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