it takes 2hrs 4m d ashram 2 reach d stn..d bus had not arrived til 2.15pm..finally waiting 4 d bus,nd calling d bus driver in evry 2mins,it arrived at 2.45pm..v told d driver dat v hav 2 reach blore city(stn)by 3.25pm..he said ok nd v got into d other frnds were very tensed but i was very calm nd relaxed,wid a +ve attitude telling myself dat d train wud b late..v all started chanting 'om namah shivaya' d clock struck 3.25pm,v hadnt reach d stn,v called up d station executive asking him whether d train has arrived..he told us dat d train has already arrived nd is waiting..v all got nervous..
as it was impossible 2 get into d train,v told d driver 2 take us 2 d next stn i.e banglore contentment..but der was a lady along wid us in d bus,she wanted 2 get down at blore city nd she requested d driver 2 stop d bus at blore city 4 jus 2mins..and d driver agreed..
it had past 3.35pm nd d driver brought us 2 blore d lady was getting down,v all saw a train standing on platform no v asked 2 guys 2 check out which train is dat..dey went running nd returned back yelling nd shouting "its coimbatore express.get out of d bus nd board d train"..v all got down nd took r luggages nd started running towards d train..v all got into d train, throwing our bags into d d las person of r group got into d train,d train started..

v all were in a state of surprise..v took r luggages nd came 2 our bogie nd helped ourselves..
as v were settled,a lady came 2 us nd told us dat..she's travelling wid her mother nd a 3yr old daughter..her daughter had got lost on d platform,nd her mother had pulled d chain of d train..
dis was how...v all 30 of us got into d train..nd d little girl was also found..v were so happy...dis is d 1st nd d biggest miracle i hav seen in my life...:):):):))))))))))))))))
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Gud :)
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